La FFMC est membre fondateur de la FEM (Federation of European Motorcyclists), devenue FEMA (Federation of European Motorcyclists Associations).

Cette fédération d’associations des différents pays européens intervient auprès des instances européennes sur toutes les directives qui touchent à la moto et à sa pratique.

406 articles

  • Smaller number plates for Swedish motorcycles

    La FEMA

    The Swedish Motorcyclists Association, SMC, have been asking for smaller number plates on motorcycles and mopeds for years. The request was supported by several motorcycle organisations and (...)
  • Joint Nordic position on motorcycle safety

    La FEMA

    The Nordic Motorcycle Council, was formed in the middle of the 1970-ies in order to stop an actual threat concerning motorcycle effects and size. Today the Council works to increase awareness (...)
  • EU Parliament adopts Type Approval regulation

    La FEMA

    In Strasbourg on 20 th November, after two years of discussions, the European Parliament has approved (643 out of 677 votes in favour) the regulation on the approval and market surveillance of (...)
  • FEMA position on periodic roadworthiness testing

    La FEMA

    The members of FEMA agree that the proposal is disproportionate and inadequate to the problems the Commission aims to solve, which is basically a reduction in fatalities and to prevent (...)

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